
[devextreme] when your areaIndex of PivotGrid doesn't work


You can find the '_data > rows', and under that there is '_cacheByPath'. I guess your fields order is different from what you made.

Look at the '_fields' below. You can check your areaIndex works well there. 

For the first time I returned the PivotGridDataSource object like this.

return new PivotGridDataSource({
	fields: [...

  And changed it like this.

const result;
result = new PivotGridDataSource({
    fields: [...
return result;

That's all. It was the cache. After the _cachePath changed, it doesn't matter if I returned it as a new Object or a variable. 

한줄 요약: 캐시 때문이다. JQuery가 캐시를 많이 쓴다고 하는데 한 번 리프레시 되도록 해주면 정상적으로 동작하는 것을 볼 수 있다.
